One lost password:
Thousands of lost memories.

Don't take a chance on losing something you can't replace.

1 in 4 people lose a password each day.
You need Picturance to protect your precious digital memories.

For just $2.99/month, we create a continuous copy of your Google Photos account so you never get locked out, even if you lose your password or your account is compromised.

How does Picturance work?

We continually sync your photos.

Once you’ve linked your Google account, we sync your photos to our secure, redundant storage system.

Since you have Picturance, you’ll always be able to talk to someone and get access to your photos.

If you lose your password or get locked out of any of your accounts (including Picturance), we’ll do a video conference call with you to verify your identity so you’ll never lose access to your photos.

Even tech-saavy journalists are getting locked out of their accounts…

“About a month ago, I went to sign into Google. I use different passwords all the time and I forgot which one I had used most recently for Google. I clicked ‘Forgot Password’ as I always had.

…I got to the end of the process expecting to be asked for a new password. I was told I was locked out and I would have to make a request to Google to get in. I followed the procedure, waited for several days (a lifetime without access to my email, calendar, documents) and I was told I was rejected. I’m not sure how many ways you have to identify yourself to satisfy Google, but apparently all the ways I had supplied weren’t enough. There was nothing in the email about any recourse. I was simply locked out.”

— Ron Miller, Journalist at Techcrunch

Never lose your password?
You are still vulnerable to hackers.
Here’s how they can get you:


Hackers call your phone company (Verizon, AT&T, etc), pose as you and take control of your phone number (known as a “SIM-swap”). Then they use a one-time text code to reset your password.

Data Leaks and Password Lists

Hackers download free and paid lists of known passwords (hacked from other web sites you’ve used before) and use them to reset your password to something else.


Hackers type the wrong password into your account several times, thus Google automatically locks the account.

Don’t get locked out of your Google account and lose access to thousands of photos.
Get Picturance!

For just $2.99/month, we create a continuous copy of your Google Photos account so you never get locked out, even if you lose your password or your account is compromised.